
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Bucket Rack Followup

In February 2015 I described how I used 5-gallon bucket for storage of small items.  Recently, I’ve decided to modify the way I do that.

But wait!  First, I’ll digress and explain why I have been remiss in making blog posts.

The past two years were mostly consumed making upgrades and repairs and replacements to our home and yard while attending to all the things which deteriorate over thirty-five years of living.

The culmination came this fall when I had a concrete driveway poured to the shop associated with other walk and driveway repair at the house.

Besides being a great convenience, I see the shop driveway as a necessary addition as I approach the time when I’ll have to part with the equipment I built and otherwise accumulated to do metalworking.  When that day comes a forklift will be essential and a driveway will be essential for using the forklift.

It has been my great good fortune to have a wonderful couple come and help make a major transition in my shop.  I’ve finished doing commission work and just want to make items for our gallery and reduce the inventory of partially worked things which still crowd my workspace.

I can see clearly now what I will use and what I will not use.  My friends worked for days making the metamorphosis happen.  They moved, cleaned, organized and removed things. Some things they took home and I hope they find those things are really useful to them.  We made several trips to the steel recycling facility and one to the landfill.  Even so, I still have a long way to go.

So, what about the bucket rack?  Overall my plan worked pretty well.  I could always find the things I stored there and the plastic bags did keep water out.  However, the plastic bags eventually degrade and lose some effectiveness so it looks like replacement about every two years will be necessary.

The bigger nuisance came from Carolina wrens finding they could move the plastic enough to create a cavity the perfect size for nest building.  I like the birds so after they have a nest going I feel obliged to leave them undisturbed which means I can’t get into that bucket.  They actually have several other sheltered places on the porch to nest so I just need to make the buckets less inviting.

This is my plan.  Most buckets are only partially filled.  I plan to see that they are completely filled so when the plastic bag is tied the exposed surface is bulging, convex, and offers no cavity possibility.  I will accomplish that by crumpling newspaper into small clear plastic waste basket bags forming appropriate sized plugs.  I’ll try to remember to post some images when I actually get that done.  I may also make some more nest sites by cutting a three-inch hole in plastic milk cartons.

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