
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Once in a Lifetime

In 2003 my older son was stilling living in the Chicago area and  Betty and I would visit there from time to time.  There were always lots of  fun thing to do and see in the windy city.  In October our trip coincided with the SOFA Chicago event on Navy Pier.  When I read over the promotional material and saw that Tom Joyce would be speaking at a forum which was open to the public I decided to go.

It was a wonderful event.  The discussion I attended was in room 301 at 9 AM.  The room was packed for the “Hammer, Anvil, and Plasma Torch: Contemporary Expression in Iron.” presentation by the panel members - Cranbrook Academy of Art metalsmithing head Gary Griffin, blacksmith Tom Joyce, and sculptor Christina Shmigel; moderated by Museum of Arts & Design chief curator David Revere McFadden.

Tom told the very interesting story of his path to art and theory of design.  He had recently won a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.  You can get a little of his story here

Following that were inspiring morning we toured the art exhibits and very quickly I encountered Albert Paley’s famous Victoria & Albert Museum bench and a couple of other pieces.  It was a spellbinding experience.  I’ll make a separate post about that piece of work.

There were many other beautiful sculptural things to see that day and we ate a great lunch nearby.  It was a day of lucky coincidence I’ll remember always.

Tom Joyce and the other panel members at SOFA Chicago 2003

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