
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hydraulic Press Information

I received the notification below from Randy McDaniel and am passing it along as requested.  Unfortunately, I don’t have anything useful to contribute.  I only take cheap camera snapshots in the studio to help me remember my process steps and tools.  I haven’t had a professional level image made in the last five years which predates most of my HFP work.

Request for photographs for new book

I am in the process of writing a book about the hydraulic forging press. I have decided to add a gallery of items that were made using this type of press and the tooling required to do it. A high quality, high resolution, 300 dpi photograph with a plain light background is preferred. This should be about a 2MB jpeg file. This book will be published in time for the ABANA Conference.

Also shop photographs of your press with information in regards to tonnage, quick change tooling, etc., will also be useful.

You will be given full credit for all work and all photographs that are used with your contact information in the book. I need this information by April 20th.

You may submit digital photos by emailing them to Randy McDaniel. If you have any questions or have photos to share email me at You will also be sent a release form.

Also please pass this on to anyone who may benefit from this.

Thank you!


Randy McDaniel
Artist In Forged Metals
3283 State Hill Road
Reading, PA 19608

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