
Friday, February 14, 2014

Pioneer Bluffs Entrance Sign

I was looking through some images of past work and found a roadside sign I had constructed for Pioneer Bluffs.

In the summer of 2009 I was contacted by Bill McBride about helping construct a sign which would be erected near the entry drive and visible from the highway.  It wasn’t to be anything fancy, just utilitarian and in keeping with the frontier ranch setting.  I was to do the iron hardware and woodworker, Wade Coester, would do the wood part with the lettering.

One special thing to consider was wind.  The wind blows a lot in the Flint Hills and often it’s pretty strong.  We devised a plan for lateral struts
with chains to help stabilize the sign on those occasions.  I think it worked out well.  It’s not a big job and not along the line of sculptural work which is what I rely like to do, but it fees good to try to help out people who are doing good work with preserving our historic past.

It’s an interesting site to visit and it has a nice gallery.  There is a regular series of education events which can be followed by periodically checking in with the website home page.

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