
Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Rivet Buck Helper

Back on 12/14/13 I showed one type of rivet buck helper.  This is just another version with a cross bar for supporting the reins of tongs while the rivet is being peened.

I have a project coming up which will use some short curved chisels.  I had one holding tong for sizes up to about 5/8” but no larger.  I made this pair which holds up to about 1” and another for holding up to 1.5” shafts.  I’ll show how they worked out in the project which is making a die set for stamping tree ring lines on the face of a stump cut or branch collar cut.

I only use the helper until I get the rivet peened enough to not fall out.  From that point I take the tongs in my left hand and use the torch in my right hand alternating with a ball peen until the job is done.

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