
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mindy Gardner

I just came across this video of Mindy Gardner uploaded on YouTube December 5, 2010. Steel Repousse with Mark and Mindy Gardner

In October 2003 Betty and I went on a trip to visit one of our sons who lived in the Chicago metropolitan area.  On the approach leg of the trip we arranged to make a stop over in Farmer City, Il to visit an old school chum and also to see the Flood Plain Forge owned and operated by Mark and Mindy Gardner.  On the day we visited George Dixon and Kirk Sullens were also there.  We got a tour of the historic shop and saw a display of some of Mindy’s extraordinary chasing work and drawings.  I had a short visit with them again at the ABANA 2010 conference in Memphis.

Some of her work is shown here.

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