
Friday, October 25, 2013

Torch Cutting Drum

I don’t have to do a lot of torch cutting but I do a little bit fairly often.  I wanted to have a convenient setup by my primary work station where I could torch cut and not make a mess or burn my feet.  The solution was to set up a 30 gallon drum on an elevated base with a rectangular top screen which can span the drum when being used and stored inside when not in use - replaced by a pan top.  I have another piece of screen, as long as the durn is deep, to use when I need to support a longer workpiece.

If I had any bar grating on hand it would have been a better choice, but I didn’t have it.  I used some screen which has approximately 1” square openings and is made from some tool grade steel rod about 1/4” diameter.  I have cut through the rods from time to time so I put MIG tacks to hold the wires in place so I don’t lose pieces.  Numerous repairs have left it looking rather ugly.  I may look for a scrap of bar grating one of these days.

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