
Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Missed the ABANA Conference

The Reunion on the great plains, The ABANA 2012 Conference, was held at the Central States Fairgrounds in Rapid City, South Dakota July 18-21, 2012.  It’s the first one I missed since Asheville in 1998.
Fortunately some friends sent me images from their iPhones.  I found this link which may interest others who couldn’t attend and also those who did.  Check out Doug Wilson’s 2012 Conference images:
I was pleased that my friend, Rob Fertner, of CSMA won the contest and was chosen as the designer of the conference poster graphics.  I definitely will try to get to the next conference in 2014.  I’m telling myself it wasn’t so bad to miss this one because the heat wave temperatures were brutal.

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