
Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Single Burner Forge

I needed a small gas forge at my primary workstation by the acorn table.  It would be an alternative to using the torch for certain types of small work.  I already have three other gas forges and each is too bulky for this already crowded area.  Moreover I didn’t feel I had the time to make it myself so I called on my blacksmith friend, Matt Wills, who has a great deal more experience making these forges.  Naturally, he did a masterful job with the construction and it works great.
I added some features, adjustable work stop, pickup handle, and lift tab on the front door to suit my specific needs.  It looked better before I added my less masterful amendments.
My Sketchup illustrations are not precise, especially the Mig contact tip and the milled aluminum cylinder into which it fits, but this should give a general idea of the construction.
As I anticipated, it is a helpful addition and is often a less expensive alternative to heating with acetylene.
Matt is very active with the Central States Metal Artisans  and can be contacted at  <>.

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