
Friday, June 22, 2012

Back to the Mine

Yesterday Scott and I made a trip back to the Oklahoma coal mine and brought home just over a ton of smithing coal.  Thankfully, it is only a once-a-year or so event although it is a rather pleasant break to make that day trip into less traveled country.
If we leave around eight we can arrive at the mine before noon and be back home before four.  That’s the way it worked out and Scott still had enough energy to get all the coal transferred to the bin.
I had scheduled the trip date partially because I was anticipating a really hot day, too hot to forge, but 1.3” of rain in the night brought some coolness which was a nice surprise.  Another surprise was not seeing a single coal truck as we approached the mine.  I can usually count of encountering a half dozen or so on the last three mile leg of the trip.  This time there were none.  The scale operator told us the reason -  the trucks were all busy hauling wheat.  I hope the harvest is a good one and the silos end up as full as my coal bin.

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