
Friday, August 19, 2011

The BAM Tent

We’re back home after a short working vacation. Once again working two days in the demonstration tent of the Blacksmiths Association of Missouri was a pleasant break in the routine and, as expected, I learned a thing or two.

The weather cooperated by bringing two very mild temperature days which are hard to come by in August. We were able to spend time with long-time friends, not so long-time friends and family. The main plan was to work on my offset tongs but, as usual, we wandered off on another project proposed by a visitor. It was entirely predictable that we would not have the stock or tools best suited to the job so work-arounds must be devised.

As a learning experience, the challenge was a success. As a functional object, the creation was a success. As an example of skilled craftsmanship, we came up a bit short. This all served to reinforce what I learned from a demonstrator several years ago and have come to think of as the “first law of demonstrating” - do what you already know how to do.

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