
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I just finished an interesting project. A new client from Nebraska requested several small wheat sculptures which would be presented as acknowledgments of service in a wheat oriented business. Wheat is a popular icon in the plains states so I welcomed this an an opportunity to experiment with some ways I might present the motif in my display in the Prairie PastTimes gallery.

Initially six pieces would be required but over the next month the number grew to nine. I worked with several concepts and had about twenty renditions which could be completed by the deadline but decided to focus on a rectangular frame style to insure the group had some common denominator.

It has been a half century since I participated in a grain harvest although I have followed agricultural issues at least as closely as I have followed sports over the years. Wheat harvest in Kansas is a big deal.

As I laid out these pieces a lot of sketchy images appeared to me which included sun, heat, dust, waving golden grain from horizon to horizon, sky nearly as wide and stubble clothed earth exposed as the grain is swept away.

There is also the machinery, new ones, rusty ones and rusty welded ones. There is a lot more, the urgency, the anxiety, the fatigue, the noise and the satisfaction which I am completely incapable of illustrating in my ironwork.

I’m generally satisfied with the experiment from my perspective. We’ll seen in a week how they were received.


  1. Truly, lovely pieces. I am a blacksmith in New Brunswick, Canada, and have a client who is interested in a piece that will contain a few wheat / barley stalks. Do you mind if I ask what twist /method you used to get the heads? I've seen several on-line but I like your's best, by far. Again, you do great work. Thanks, Shawn Brokkr Forge

    1. Shawn, I finally got around to posting the instructions for the wheat.
